Uncertain States / Scandinavia

Issue 22

Issue 22

Helge Garke – Helge Skodvin – Karolina Wojtas – Klaus Pichler – Knut Egil Wang –
Lill-Ann Chepstow-Lusty –  Mona Ødegård – Nina Bergkvam

Text by Eirik Havenes


Issue 21

Issue 21

Andy Allen-Olivar – Celeste Knirke Arnstedt  – John Yuyi – Mara Rudnick & Yannic Joel Hohaus – Maria Di Stefano – Mario de la Ossa – Max Barel – Thomas Nondh Jansen

Text by Rasmus Jiang Vasli

Stockholm Supermarked

issue 20


Issue 20
– Self portrait –

Albert Sten  – Amalie D’Agostino – Emma Sarpaniemi – Haley Morris-Cafiero – Ida Kaae – Io Sivertsen -Liza Mehlfeldt – Matilde Søes Rasmussen – Theo & Thom Bridge


issue 19

Issue 19

Ela Polkowska – Hilla Kurki – Katinka Goldberg – Lydia Toivanen – Sakurai Ryuta – Sonya Mantere – Taavi Rekkaro- The Hays -Yaniya Mikhalina –

Supported by Fotografihuset Oslo

Issue 18

Issue 18

Artem Humilevskyi – Diana Fedoriaka – Mariia Horshkova – Mary Jane – Oksana Nevmerzhytska – Sergey Melnitchenko – Veronika Mol – Xenia Petrovska – Yana Hryhorenko

a collaboration between UCS/S, MYPH and VasliSouza

сла́ва Украї́ні!


Issue 17

Issue 17
– Memories –

Anne-Karin Furunes – Constanza Valderrama – Emanuel Cederqvist – Giulia Mangione – Jói Kjartans – Jonas Tislevoll – Maiken Hauksdatter Lyng Østerhagen – Vanessa Lucrezia Francia – Will Vickers

Text by; Deborah R. Eisinger

K-U-K in Trondheim, Norway.
Nordic Light Photo Festival, Kristiansund.

Funded by: NoFoFo (Norwegian photographic found)

Skjermbilde 2022-11-06 kl. 16.10.54

Issue 16.5 – Photo Gallery Vasli Souza

AdeY – Taavi Rekkaro – Sami Parkkinen – Dagny Hay – Henriette Sabroe Ebbesn – Charlie Hay – Tor S. Ulstein



Issue 16

Issue 16
– You, Me and I –

Aage A. Mikalsen – Charlie Hay – Dagny Hay – Hans Jørgen Ro – Henriette Sagfjord – Jeleena Rai – Leonard Vincent Rode – Linda Hansen – Nina Worren – Paulina Tamara Cid – Sunniva Hestenes

NW Gallery Kopenhagen



Issue 15.5

Issue 15.5  – Trondheim Academy of Fine Art

Anna Ida Pezzot – Ania Kepka – Amalie Brochmann – Alexander Crilles Tønnesen – Elias Allana Muller – Johannes Högbom – Martine E. Karlsen – Sandra Kjellberg


Issue 15
– VasliSouza – poster issue –

Henriette Sabroe Ebbesen – Dagny Hay – Yushi Li – Pixy Liao –
Adey – Charlie Fjätström – Jocelyn Allen – Karolina Wojtas

Oslo Negativ – Milan Image Art Fair – Unseen – Paris Photo

Issue 14

Issue 14

Dev Dhunsi

Open Book

Issue 13.5
-Manifestations From The Waiting Room-


AdeY | Adrian Bugge | Anne Lass | Bård Ek | Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen | Charlie Fjätström | Christina Leithe H. | Dagny Hay | Dan Frisk Petersen | Daniel P. Agung | Einar Sira | Eli Haugen Sandnes | Erlend Berge | håkon røisland | hulda sif ásmundsdóttir | Ihne Pedersen | Janne Amalie Svit | Jói Kjartans | Joakim blomquist | Jon Wang | Jonas Valthersson | Jon Gorospe | Jorun Eikill Veflen | Kai Hansen | Katharine MaCdaid | Kine Michelle Bruniera | Kirsten Opstad | Kristina Kvalvik | Kristoffer Kråkstad | Lars Vilhelmsen | Linda Hansen | Lisbeth Johansen | Maria Gossé | Marit Silsand | Mathilde Pettersen | Mona Ødegård | Ole Marius Joergensen | Rasmus Vasli | Rebecca Jafari | Sabina Jacobsson | Siri Ekker Svendsen | Sofie Sund | Stig Marlon Weston | Svit/Haseth | Thom Bridge | Tor S. Ulstein | Trude Bekk |Ulla Schildt | Will Vickers


Issue 13
-Human Nature-
Nordic Licht Festival

Aapo Huhta 
Ethan Rafal
Grete Hjorth-Johansen 
Hanna Fauske
Helene Mariussen
Julia Mejnertsen
Julie Hrnčířová 
Nicole Rafiki
Ole Brodersen
Susanne Svantesson



Issue 12.5

Issue 12.5 – Trondheim Academy of Fine Art

August Northug
Meerke Laimi Thomasson Vekterli
Mikalsen & Marhaug
Mikkel Marhaug
Naomi WT Chan
Aage A. Mikalsen

Susanne Winterling




-Subjectively Objective-

Anne Lass
Camille Gharbi
Cian Burke
Helge Skodvin
Joakim Blomquist
Karen Pettersen
Katharine MacDaid
Kristoffer Kråkstad
Sofie Sund
Tor S. Ulstein
Åsne Våga




 *In Quarantine

AdeY | Adrian Bugge | Anne Lass | Bård Ek | Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen | Charlie Fjätström | Christina Leithe H. | Dagny Hay | Dan Frisk Petersen | Daniel P. Agung | Einar Sira | Eli Haugen Sandnes | Erlend Berge | håkon røisland | hulda sif ásmundsdóttir | Ihne Pedersen | Janne Amalie Svit | Jói Kjartans | Joakim blomquist | Jon Wang | Jonas Valthersson | Jon Gorospe | Jorun Eikill Veflen | Kai Hansen | Katharine MaCdaid | Kine Michelle Bruniera | Kirsten Opstad | Kristina Kvalvik | Kristoffer Kråkstad | Lars Vilhelmsen | Linda Hansen | Lisbeth Johansen | Łukasz Zamaro | Maria Gossé | Marit Silsand | Mathilde Pettersen | Mona Ødegård | Ole Marius Joergensen | Rasmus Vasli | Rebecca Jafari | Sabina Jacobsson | Siri Ekker Svendsen | Sofie Sund | Stig Marlon Weston | Svit/Haseth | Thom Bridge | Tor S. Ulstein | Trude Bekk |Ulla Schildt | Will Vickers*



issue 11


In times of rapid technological innovation and where social media are becoming the most important tools for interaction amongst people, depression is on the rise. As we constantly stay connected through screens human contact has become a luxury good and that is why we need to take better care of each other. The lens-based artist create images that help to break down stigmas and taboo. For this issue we picked the work of artists that consciously process emotions, or have a social agenda that needs to be heard.

The featured artists are
Anders Schau
Astrid Gjersøe Skåtterød (Dagny Hay)
Bjørnar Øvrebø
Juliane Jensen
Lisbeth Johansen
Maija Tammi
Mathilde Helene Pettersen
Sissel Annett
Therese Alice Sanne

Issue 10,5

Issue 10.5 – Vasli Souza

Vasli Souza
Pixy Liao
Izumi Miyazaki


issue 10



Arvida Byström
Dev Dhunsi
Erik Gustafsson
Jon Gorospe
Julius Töyrylä
Maria Pasenau
Trude Bekk
Will Vickers



issue 9


Katharina Barbosa
Kine Michelle Bruniera
Lærke Posselt
Linda Hansen
Mats Bakken
Thom Bridge
Tonje Bøe Birkeland
Dan Frisk Petersen
Christian Nilson
Hulda Sif Ásmundsdottir


issue 8

ISSUE 8 Bjørka

Terje Abusdal
Signe M. Andersen
Katharina Barbosa Blad
Adrian Bugge
Ingrid Eggen
Linda Bournane Engelberth
Karoline Hjorth
Preben Holst
Heini Holttä
Kristina Kvalvik
Rebecca Shirin Jafari
Ingvild Brekke Myklebust
Dag Nordbrenden
Brian Cliff Olguin
Marit Silsand
Heidi Sundby
Ulla Schildt
Siri Ekker Svendsen
Istvan Virag
Maya Økland
Christina Leithe
Charlie Fjätström

issue 7

Issue 07

Sara Angelika Spilling  
Raymond Mosken  
Mats Fagerberg   
Kaja Sitron Juul
Espen Dahl
Erlend Berge
Eli Haugen Sandnes
Einar Sira  
Chris Andre Aadland


issue 6


David Dundas
Geir Moseid
Håkon Røysland
Jannecke Sanne Normann
Jonas Valthersson
Oktawian Gornik
Ole Marius Joergensen
Åsne Eldøy
Gabrielle Paré 

issue 5

Open Call

jury: Damian Heinisch, Marie Sjøvold, Cecilie Nissen, Ann Eringstam, Tor Henrik Fjelldal, Dag Alveng, Helene Gulaker Hansen, Helge Skodvind and Uncertain States (London).

The 9 selected artists (with comments) for our Open Call issue is

Signe Fuglesteg Luksengard

“By far the best entry. A touching and moving project. Great images AND a very good text. I want to see more.” -Helge Skodvin.

”Dønn ærlig fremstilling, konseptuelt troverdig og umiddelbart forståelig, fungerer best som serie av samtlige utvalg da hvert bilde knytter sammen historien, løsrevet mener jeg også første foto er en klar vinner av samtlige bidrag.” –Tor Henrik Fjelldal.

Jorun Eikill Veflen

”Vakkert! Lekent, nydelig komposisjon, Wish I was there.” -Helene Gulaker Hansen.

”A tranquil and sublime project with much feeling.” –Ann Eringstam.

“The little details. The angle of the hand, the fabric in the corner of the frame. These things. Nice.” –Helge Skodvin.

Maria Gossé
”Fotografiene utmerker seg både i farge, komposisjon og innhold, og interør og modeller utfyller hverandre på en overbevisende måte. Bildene utrykker både integritet, humor, selvtillit og intimitet. Gossé undersøker en subkultur preget av regler, ritualer og symboler som er ukjent for mange, og hun beveger seg tett innpå karakterene ved å plassere dem i deres private omgivelser. Kvinnekroppene står i kontrast til det retusjerte reklameidealet man vanligvis ser i resten av samfunnet. De utfordrer våre forventninger til kroppsidealer og insisterer på retten til ulikhet og skjønnheten i at vi alle er forskjellige. Fotoserien fungerer også som helhet og jeg får lyst til å se mer.” –Cecilie Nissen.

Cecilia Riis Kjeldsen
”Fotografen har hatt et tydelig konsept, som er veldig godt gjennomført. Hun har utforsket fotografiets muligheter og jobbet metodisk for å komme frem til arbeider som rører, men som også lar publikum stå igjen med egne opplevelser og spørsmål.” –Marie Sjøvold.

”An emphatic project, which represents the approach to someone ́s else life through the medium. The tension expands in the space between the chosen images. Divided and connected through one line arise questions of identity, time and belonging.” –Damian Heinisch.

Kristine Wathne
“A fantastic project that is cohesive and thorough.”-Ann Eringstam.

Lars Vilhelmsen
“A professionally presented project with a lot of humor.”-Ann Eringstam.

Daniel P. Agung
“Daniels images work, for me, on numerous levels. The photography is not only well executed it has a precise function within the context in which he chooses to set it. Daniels work talks of the linearity of life and the photograph making the spaces between finite and infinite (both the physical and the metaphysical) tangible, and to a certain degree, visible. Daniel also talks about the abstract and intimate in relation to his work-two elements, that, when combined with the uncanny, are the strange chemistry that make the photographic image such a fiercely intense visual art form. The way Daniel Juxtaposes his images gives a remarkable strength which allows an expression, if not total preservation, of the individuality of the moment. -Uncertain States.

Hilde H. Honerud
“Forced emigration of refugees has been covered extensively in the media in the past year, but lost due to recent events. An important project, which touches our closest environment and deserves most attention. All chosen people are detouched from their origin situations and portrayed in a respectful way. The used technique challenges our perception and expectations toward an anonymous study and typology. Despite the images manage to showe this humans as individuals through the photographic depiction.” –Damian Heinisch. 

Kai Tormod Hansen
”Overraskende og vakkert.” –Dag Alveng.

issue 4


For the 4th issue we had the idea to make a site-specific broadsheet with ten photographers. We decided to go to Kjøllefjord, 70,5 degrees North and not far from Kirkenes, this January. To do photography in Northern Norway during January is quit a challenge, so this issue depicts the arctic darkness, and is our own “black album”.

”Er det dere som er fotograferne?
Jeg hørte på radioen i morges at dere var værfast
Jo, jeg vet hvem dere er”
-A man at the Esso gas station

And there we where, wearing sneakers, jeans jackets and without long johns, so anyone could easily spot us. We are 10 lens-based artists from Sweden, Norway, Iceland and Britain: Astrid Gjersøe Skåtterød, Bård Ek, Christina Leithe H., Charlie Fjätström, Eirik Knoop, Jói Kjartans, Terje Abusdal, Tor Simen Ulstein, Trude Bekk and Will Vickers.

The end results of this journey are 10 individual stories from these artists, published in Uncertain States / Kjøllefjord, Issue 04.

issue 3

FREDRIK LARSSON´s appealing images are about how we choose to perceive ourselves and how easily we manipulate the self-image JÓI KJARTANS´ intuitiveness has resulted in a hell of a lot images and the project is called 64° the unbeliever JON WANG has honored the small and charactheristic buddhist shrines you find here there painter and poet KIRSTEN OPSTAD uses her old phone camera to capture everyday magic KRISTINE WATHNE barges in to people´s private space in their vehicles REBECCA RAVNEBERG reveals a broken and/or recovered heart and we love her poetic imagery RUNA AMANDA dazzles you with young adultness, pastel colors and clever messages in her book SABINA JACOBSSON is another cinematographer who also likes to express herself with the medium photography and our own TOR SIMEN ULSTEIN has his own way of photographing the landscape






Fredrik Larsson

issue 2

In our second issue there are 9 artists with individual photographic projects. You will find everything from forest, darkness and forces of nature captured on large samples of paper film, an “ode” to Lofoten, a diary and search for own roots, self-portraits, a cinematographer´s documentation of the characteristic of people in still images, a work of several b/w images, a call out to the materialistic public, a small town in Sweden namely Lillhärdal and images of several small communities that makes you think about what life is really about.

Stig Marlon Weston – www.weston.no
Rebecca Jafari – www.rebeccajafari.com
Łukasz Zamaro – http://www.zama.ro
Kristin Slotterøy – kristin.slotteroy@gmail.com
Ihne Pedersen –  www.ihnebilder.no
Gjert Rognli – http://grognli.wix.com/theforgottenplace
Gard Aukrust – www.gardaukrust.com
Charlie Fjätström – www.charliefjatstrom.com
Caterina Bernardi – www.caterinabernardi.com

issue 1

Astrid Gjersøe Skåtterødwww.astrid-gs.com
puzzle over modern human behaviour and take images of electric light sources.
Inga Björkwww.glesbygdsbor.se
contemplate on what we are afraid and ask why so many of us are afraid of this “others”.
Anne Lise Flavik – photographer and project manager, Fotografihuset 2016
write that “it is as difficult to define the term photography as it is to define love”.
Ingvild Melberg Eikelandwww.ingvild-melbergeikeland.squarespace.com/
poetic and beautiful documentation of bird watchers.
Janne Amalie Svitwww.imagetroopers.com
inspired by Björk materialises a series of flowery, imaginative studio images.
Magdalena Kotkowska – makot21@gmail.com
takes images of gardens in her hometown in Poland, a fascinating interplay between man and nature.
Merete Hasethwww.imagetroopers.com
inspired by the writings of Haruki Murakami, alluring images that try to “depict a certain state or a mood of the inhabitants in an imaginary country”.
Mona Ødegårdwww.monamonamona.com
dealing with dog shows where dogs are judged by their appearances. The judge quotes could be transferred in to the context of people judging other people.
Ole Brodersenwww.olebrodersen.com
with his tools, a large format camera, led lights, a bonfire, sailing supply and such, he photographs the forces of nature.